Dear Revolt, please reconsider your vision of social justice and equality.
We turn to the high-end editorial board of Revolt TV and ask to stop acting so hypocritically and arrogantly, creating an unnecessary fake resonance and distracting everyone from more important stories that are relevant today.
You call yourself a “black media company owned by a black entrepreneur with a predominantly black team” and fighters for social justice and equality, claiming your work is essential. You represent hip-hop culture and allow yourself to disrespectfully call out one of the main figures of this culture, who is genuine and relentless in developing and promoting it. Eminem educates the younger generation in order to maintain the integrity of modern hip-hop. Calling him a “guest” in this culture? Is that your own understanding of social equality and justice? Don’t you think that your letter, which you so cowardly thought of sending to Billboard, instead of publishing on your resources, is full of injustice and even racism?
A big portion of the letter describes your great “merit.” You are certainly great, because you are fighting for a just cause. Our world should be free of racism and social injustice (the lives of all people are important and it’s not about skin color). All of your merits fade after your hypocritical statements in that letter. This situation could have stayed contained within the fan community, yet you found it your duty to raise more attention and blame a hip-hop veteran for an incident which he was not responsible for.
So the real question is whether you are the ones truly fighting to make a change for the better, or are you just another media company that bites onto any topic in hopes of getting maximum hype? You didn’t even bother to understand the situation and attacked a man who has nothing against you and never wanted for that verse to be made public. Please take a minute to think before you act. Peace.