The last of Juice WRLD’s posthumous albums was introduced to the public by a joint with Eminem. And this choice was not random.

Produced by Benny Blanco, “Lace It” merges the drug-infused narrative laid down by Juice with a cautionary tale told by Em, a survivor of drug abuse. Released just a week after the fourth anniversary of his tragic death, the single addresses one of the biggest struggles Juice had in his life. The struggle that cost him his life.

Juice’s mother, who has a say in how his legacy is handled, took upon herself a mission to help young people in their battles with anxiety, addiction, and depression and established the Live Free 999 Fund for this purpose. For her, it was essential to put this message out there.

Also, it was important and symbolic to put Jarad “Juice WRLD” Higgins, on the same track as the rapper he adored, according to her recent statement quoted in Rolling Stone:

I can recall Jarad playing Eminem’s music on repeat at home because he was a huge fan. This is a bittersweet moment for me; I am happy that Jarad had a chance to make music with someone he admired and sad that he cannot be here to take in the moment; Jarad left us way too soon.

And just like with his first collaboration with Eminem, “Godzilla”, released after Juice’s death, he will never know how much the audience loves their joints.

Listen to “Lace It (with Eminem & benny blanco)” below:

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