Church debates do not usually come with rap references, but when the topic is connecting with working-class communities, sometimes only Eminem will do.

The Church of England’s General Synod took an unexpected but entertaining turn when Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell worked an Eminem quote into the discussion. While backing a proposal to make the Church more welcoming to working-class people, Cottrell — who admitted he is a fan — could not resist dropping the rapper’s famous line: “Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?”

The motion, led by Reverend Alex Frost, called out “snobbery and elitism” in the Church and highlighted the struggles working-class individuals face when pursuing ministry. Frost, who went from running an Argos store to becoming a vicar, shared a story about a Liverpool man exploring priesthood. When asked about his favourite artist, he answered Eminem, leaving a retired priest interviewing him completely lost.

Frost’s speech struck a chord, earning him a standing ovation and leading to the motion’s approval. And if there is one takeaway from the debate, it is this: whether in hip hop or the Church, feeling heard and understood makes all the difference. Just ask Eminem.

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