Released in 2009, “Relapse” is Marshall’s eighth studio album on the platform to earn 1.8 billion Spotify streams.
It is not his most streamed project at the moment. “Relapse” is getting under a million daily streams on average (currently this number is around 800,000, give or take).
There are four songs on the album that have over 100 million streams. It seems like it is them who do the heavy lifting for the project, attracting new listeners: “Forever” (465 million streams), “Beautiful” (284 million), “Crack A Bottle” (220 million), and “We Made You” (122 million).
Nevertheless, the album’s performance is stable, its position on Em’s personal album leaderboard has changed only after Encore’s powerful surge up. This is how Eminem’s Top 10 Spotify albums list looks now:
1. The Eminem Show — 5 billion
2. Recovery — 3.5 billion
3. The Marshall Mathers LP2 — 3.3 billion
4. The Marshall Mathers LP — 3.2 billion
5. Music To Be Murdered By — 3.1 billion
6. Kamikaze — 2.9 billion
7. Encore — 2 billion
8. Relapse — 1.8 billion
9. Revival — 1.7 billion
10. The Slim Shady LP — 1.2 billion
Listen to the album below: