Bass Brothers Sue British Indy Publishers Over Eminem First Album “Infinite”

On February 23 2023, Marshall’s first major label album “The Slim Shady LP” marked its 24th anniversary and sparked hope for more in some hotheads.

As we all well know, it is not going to be an event for Eminem and his label to celebrate widely. No throwbacks, no big conversations. Just a post on social media from Shady Records, which Marshall retweeted.

However, that was enough for Jake Bass, an heir of a famous production duo that worked on early Em’s records. Jake is very active on social media and is building his own music career, mostly in production. He often turns to the legacy of his father and uncle in his posts, building up on their cultural capital. He doesn’t address Eminem directly usually. Until this time.

Reacting to Eminem acknowledging his breakthrough album anniversary, Jake Bass had a council with the Bass brothers and announced on Twitter:

The Basses are still making music and they say they’d love to work with Eminem again. Jeff relishes the idea of Slim Shady LP sequel.

In a caption, Jake Bass added with urgency:

It’s time for a sequel @Eminem. #TheSlimShadyLP2

The #TheSlimShadyLP2 does not seem to be trending, but Jake’s followers and Eminem’s fans alike appear to be excited.

What do you think about this possibility? Are you of the opinion that no man ever steps in the same river twice, or are you curious about Slim Shady’s character development?

While you are thinking, Listen to “The Slim Shady LP” below:

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