Eminem 8 mile Fuck

Since 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been collecting film and film-related materials building one of the biggest historic archives in the industry. Over the years, its permanent collection has grown extensively, and now it has an Eminem-related item.

In March 2003, in a historic moment for the genre, the Academy awarded the Oscar for Best Original Song to “Lose Yourself”, a hip hop track from “8 Mile”. Eminem, along with Jeff Bass and Luis Resto, received the accolade. The song enjoyed tremendous success, dominating the Billboard Hot 100 chart for an impressive 12 consecutive weeks in 2002-2003.

Now, 20 years after the event, the Academy acquired a significant addition: the costume worn by Eminem portraying the character Jimmy, also known as “B-Rabbit”, in the movie “8 Mile”. The set of clothes was donated to the the collection, informs Billboard.com.

Besides, several notable donations have been made to the collection this year. These include the blue velvet suit worn by Mike Myers as Austin Powers in “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” (1997), the pinstripe suit worn by Raul Julia as Gomez Addams in “Addams Family Values” (1993), the sequel to “The Addams Family”, and a set of twenty-four costume design drawings by Julio Martinez, created specifically for Diana Ross to wear in “Mahogany” (1975).

The collection also expanded to encompass a conceptual drawing for the iconic film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), as well as the Steven Spielberg Animation Collection, which features a remarkable assortment of 157 original animation art pieces dating from 1932 to 1952.

Mind you, initially Eminem didn’t even attend an award ceremony where he was supposed to receive the first Oscar for the genre. He was invited to perform 17 years later, to make up for a lost opportunity. And perform he did. For the standing ovation of hundreds celebrities and film industry professionals. That was a night to remember.

Watch Eminem Performing “Lose Yourself” at the Oscars 2020 (Full HQ Live):

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