Eminem is a widely known hip-hop connoisseur who holds extensive knowledge of the history of the genre. He is so interested in stories about how songs were created that he acts as a historian, looking for answers and connecting with hip-hop legends.

He explained this fascination to Sway Calloway during their recent conversation on Shady 45:

When we were kids growing up on hip-hop, like me in Detroit, I didn’t know the stories behind certain things. This new Beastie Boys documentary is coming out so I got a chance to watch it yesterday. They had sent it over which was super cool of them to do. They were so cool and they’re doing it right now. When I see clips from back then I feel like this shit still looks cool today. But knowing the story of how the shit originated to me is just so intriguing. I love stories like that. I remember one day I hit Redman. You know, I collect tapes. For nostalgia purposes but I also play the tapes because it’s just something that reminds you of being a kid and whatever. So I’m playing the tape and I remember on the “Illegal” album Jamal said something about “Got a quote from my man Red that says ‘tonight’s the night’” or whatever. And it was an ad-lib on there. So I just asked him. I hit him up, I was like, “Yo, Red, was that you on the ad-lib there?” and he was explaining the story. That’s why I love old stories like that because it’ll be the shit that I always wondered as a kid. And now I know a lot of these guys so I try not to fan out too much but sometimes I just love little jewels like that.

Can you imagine the stories Marshall can share on his upcoming radio show? With his knowledge, his love for hip-hop and his access to virtually anyone in the game. This show is going to be the source of lore for generations to come.

Listen Eminem talking about hunting down hip-hop folklore:

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