[World Premiere] Emienm - Music To Be Murdered By

“Music To Be Murdered By” joined other two Eminem’s albums on Top 10 All Time – but only by user score.

Metacritic is a website that accumulates professional reviews and users’ opinions, coming up with a fairly objective, or at least not a one-dimensional perspective on creative work put out there by artists.

However, quite often it demonstrates an unbreachable gap between what industry opinion-makers and the public. This is exactly what is happening to the latest Marshall’s release.

Critic rating for MTBMB is 66 and it consists of 11 reviews, 6 of which are positive and 5 are mixed. No negative reviews at all so far, which is new. But 66 is a mediocre score for a mediocre album and listeners are disagree with this.

As of today, the user score for MTBMB is 9.1. It is interpreted as a universal acclaim based on 1242 ratings.

It is the highest scoring Eminem’s album on Metacritic to date. “The Eminem Show” and “The Marshall Mathers LP” both scored 9.0. And if you think that it’s nothing and people are just being kind – think again. There are only eight albums on Metacritic with scores of 9 and higher. Eminem is the only artist who has three albums in this short list.

Here are Top 10 album releases by user score of all time on Metacrtitc:

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