Before Eminem’s first diner Mom’s Spaghetti opened its doors to the public in Detroit, he had a short conversation with Rude Jude of Shade45 about the restaurant and his secret recipes.

The main question Rude Jude had was how I felt to see how his lyrics turned into a meme and then into an actual physical place to eat. Marshall was not in a mood to answer seriously, so he was goofing through the whole conversation:

In “Lose Yourself”, I was saying it from the perspective of Jimmy Smith Jr., the character I was playing in the movie. Spaghetti sandwich is definitely some white trash shit. I hate the tangy zip of Miracle Whip, but spaghetti – that’s a touch of class. White trash. But I still eat it today.

We need to do mac and cheese. Who’s gonna say no to mac and cheese? But it’s gonna be a really cheap con, ‘case I’m telling you, that’s the best kind. Four-foot dollar mac and cheese! I should sit at home and get some mac and cheese for a dollar, I’m sure they still sell them, and make it to my liking. And then give the recipe to Paul so he can make money off it. I’m here because he paid me in a sticker. He gave me a sticker. I don’t know where it is now.

Don’t even eat a bite of your spaghetti until you put it in the bread. Then eat it. Because otherwise, you’re going to ruin the whole fucking thing. Don’t be stupid. Do the fucking bread. Before anything else, you put your spaghetti on the bread. If I fucking catch you doing that without the fucking bread!.. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. There is gonna be hell to pay. I’m not trying to offend anyone, but if you are fucking idiot – don’t eat Mom’s Spaghetti.

That’s it. My balls itch, so I’m gonna have to scratch that. I’ve got a couple of things… Busy schedule today.

Here is the interview in full:

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