Public Enemy’s Chuck D sat down with Drink Champs to talk about his career and the changes he had seen in the industry and the world.

The hip hop legend went on so many precious tangents presenting the history of hip hop as seen by him, and one of those brought Chuck to the point where he mentioned that Melle Mel was the first MC he heard live at a hip hop party to blow his mind. That led N.O.R.E. to mention Mel’s recent comment that linked Eminem’s success to his race.

Chuck D didn’t dismiss Mel’s opinion but reminded everybody that the legendary MC belongs to a very different generation. And a second later gave massive props to Eminem and Black Thought, praising the amount of thought going into their lyrics and their technical abilities:

Ten generations in hip hop and rap. Every generation’s got this thing. And Melly Mel’s generation… But Eminem and Black Thought… Big up to Black Thought and The Roots, and also Eminem. Cyborgs, man. They’re cyborgs and computers.

This is not the first time Chuck D praises these two rappers in exactly this way. And once again, the Public Enemy legend decided to big up a fellow artist rather than funnel controversy.

However, Chuck D has already expressed his opinion on Eminem’s race and the privileges it got him. In 2020, in a similar discussion, Chuck tweeted:

In my response to the Elvis thread..somebody should ask @Eminem who’s been battling Elvisism all his career. That’s when whiteUSA just crowns you just because. He’s brought Detroit & has worked with many Blackfolk from there. Even when he defers White USA still will do what it do.

Ive seen the kid ( @Eminem ) at least make the effort where it was due. Artform and credit wise. However racism is bigger than he is and it’s pouring all over the place. I spend my time curating supporting many underfound & underground heroes. Mainly Black & worldwide but others

Watch the video below:


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