Accused of racism and homophobia by his own daughter, a TV personality, Dog the Bounty Hunter, tries to justify his racist language by comparing himself to Eminem.

An interviewer confronted a real-life man hunter who has his TV career built upon his occupation just to hear him refusing to admit the substance of his err once again:

I have never been a racist! I’m 33.5% Apache. But because of, over 15 years ago, I have an Achilles heel because I used the wrong word. …I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use it, kind of like Eminem.

Then he stated that this pass was granted to him by “brothers” in Texan prison, where he spent 18 months between 1977 and 1979. He clearly did not evaluate his manners and worldview forged in jail over 40 years ago and still insists that because back then inmates used it “as a compliment”, then it is okay to use it in everyday life. It does not make him racist, exclaims this character entangled in multiple dramas. And when a host, a black man, points out that yes, it does, Dog goes back to his weird line of defence:

I have more black friends than Eminem!

It seems like Benzino really can congratulate himself on how deeply he implanted memories of Eminem using racial slur left and right in the public psyche. One old unreleased song that Marshall sincerely regrets apparently negates years of his activism and conscious support of the Black community. People who have never really listened to Eminem enough to realise that he has never used racially derogatory terms – many of them think that Em does just that and that he is “allowed” to do it by some mysterious authority. Even worse, they believe that this justifies their racism.

Watch the example below:

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