A long feature in The Guardian was dedicated to Elton John, specifically to him answering questions that other celebrities asked. We have a question from Eminem we did not really want an answer to, but also, we have a glimpse at what really connects such different music stars.

Let’s start with the official question from Eminem. Following his old joke he played with Elton’s wedding gift, he asked a 72-years old man if he had ever put this gift into use. Here is the answer:

Ah, no. Eminem bought me and David matching cock rings when we got married. That was his gift. They sit there, like the crown jewels, in this beautiful box on satin cushions. They’re wonderful to look at. I don’t know if any guests we’ve had have used them. God, I hope not. They’re kind of sacrosanct. The fact they came from Eminem makes it even better. It’s very him, as is this question. I call him up every couple of months, and every time he picks up the phone he says the same thing: “Hello, you old cunt, how are you?” Justin Timberlake says the same thing, actually.

Elton John did not elaborate on why he calls Eminem like he checks up on him, and we cannot really expect any future collaborations between them after their duet on the Grammy stage. But later, talking about helping other celebrities to overcome their addictions, he mentioned Eminem again:

I am responsible for helping a lot of people get sober and hopefully to stay sober. That’s your responsibility, and it’s part of the process. You give them your phone number, you take theirs, you make sure you phone them, check up on them, see they’re OK – that’s what I did with Eminem.

Last year Eminem celebrated 10 years of sobriety, so things are going well so far.

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